Museo di storia

Eyam Museum

Consigliato da 25 persone del luogo,

Consigli della gente del posto

November 2, 2019
Ever fancied visiting a real life Plague village? Here the heroic story of the village that sacrificed itself to stop the great plague from spreading across northern england. Visit the museum and even the graves of plague victims
September 10, 2021
Eyam is a village in the Peak District. Famous as it's the first place in the UK where the plague started. This museum tells the story. 35 miles away.
July 6, 2021
Interesting history of The Plague.
November 7, 2017
Incredibly moving account of the villagers self imposed quarantine to prevent the Plague spreading to neighbouring areas.
May 16, 2021
The museum in Eyam tells the storty of the Plague. Well worth a visit when visiting Eyam.

Attività uniche nelle vicinanze

Alla scoperta delle erbe selvatiche del Peak District
Coccolati con il laboratorio di erbe aromatiche
Avventure di arrampicata su roccia: Peak District

Altri luoghi consigliati dalla gente del posto

Hawkhill Road
Eyam, England