Punto d'interesse

Nižbor chateau

Consigliato da 6 persone del luogo

Consigli della gente del posto

August 29, 2022
Nižbor Castle is 10 km away from the village of Podkozí. The royal castle, originally called Nižburk, later rebuilt into a castle, is located on a promontory above the Berounka river in a picturesque landscape in the southeastern corner of the Křivoklát forests. Today, the Celtic Culture Information Center is located here.
October 3, 2022
Hezu zámek s hezkým nádvořím, dá se jenom rychle procournout kolem a posedět na vyhlídce u zámku s výhledem na řeku a starou hvězdárnu.
Na Zámku
Nižbor, Středočeský kraj