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Come fare

Come sfruttare al meglio le date molto richieste

Want to make sure your place is booked when there's high demand? Up-arrow icons on your calendar indicate popular dates—like federal holidays or school breaks. Having popular dates available on your calendar can help you increase your bookings.

Determining popular dates

Popular dates are calculated based on real-time searches for stays, plus the number of available listings, so they can change frequently. Our tools predict popular dates up to 10 weeks in advance, becoming more accurate as the date approaches.

Dates are considered to be popular if:

  • More travelers than usual are searching for stays on those dates, compared to the yearly average
  • The occupancy rate is higher than the yearly average—that means fewer listings than usual are available to book

Sbloccare una data molto richiesta

Per consentire ai viaggiatori di prenotare il tuo alloggio nelle date più richieste:

  1. Vai al Calendario e scegli un annuncio.
  2. Seleziona una o più date.
  3. In Disponibilità, seleziona Disponibile.
  4. Clicca su Salva.

If a date was previously blocked due to your settings (ex: It was automatically blocked by your advance notice setting), making that date available won’t change your overall Availability settings. Learn more about editing your reservation preferences.

Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

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